During our audits, we monitor user behavior to prevent any misuse. If we detect any suspicious activity, we will report it in the final report.
Time limit for each question
Block copying questions and pasting text to prevent LLM tools use
Unique and random set of questions, shuffled for every assessment
Audit process control (we log events like switching browser windows and attempts to paste text)
No breaks (audit must be completed in one session, in a single browser window)
Blocking of the most popular translation plugins in web browsers
Discover package prices
For each client, we prepare an individual quote based on the presented requirements. If you want to get an individual quote, write to us. We respond to all inquiries within 48 hours.
The tasks for assessing individual language competencies are designed to obtain a comprehensive profile of the language skills of the assessed person. The assessment of the proficiency level in using a foreign language is conducted according to the assessment criteria based on the CEFR scale - The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, which is an international standard for describing language competencies.
The purpose of the leveling audit concerning the verification of grammatical competencies of the assessed person is to check the degree of knowledge of grammatical structures, lexical items, idiomatic expressions, and to preliminarily assess the level of advancement of the audited person's language proficiency.
The part of the language audit that verifies vocabulary involves checking the knowledge of lexical structures, idiomatic expressions, and specialized phrases used daily during work. We conduct specialized assessments that also verify industry-specific vocabulary.
The oral audit checks language communication competencies in speaking, namely the ability to create oral statements and respond orally in language (productive and interactive actions).
The purpose of the assessment concerning writing skills is to check whether the audited person can formulate an extended, lexically rich, structurally varied, and grammatically correct statement, with a clear composition and coherent logical structure, and also correct in terms of both orthography and punctuation.